St. Mary Bourne School

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The most important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.

Sir William Bragg, Nobel Prize Winner in Physics


At St Mary Bourne Primary, we believe that high-quality teaching of Science makes learning memorable, offering pupils the opportunity to access a wealth of knowledge and information and providing them with an understanding of the world.   We believe that through the delivery of engaging practical scientific investigations as well as building up a body of key knowledge and concepts we develop children’s understanding and enthusiasm of Scientific learning and discovery. 


Teachers create a positive attitude towards Science in classrooms and reinforce expectations that all children are capable of achieving high standards in science. Our whole school approach involves:

  • Teaching science in blocks mapped out across the curriculum cycle.
  • Problem-solving opportunities that allow children to find out and ask their own questions.
  • Practical activities to help consolidate or introduce new concepts.
  • Teachers planning experiments and practical activities carefully, which enhances and extends children’s learning.
  • Encouraging children to be inquisitive and independent learners.
  • Using trips and visitors to extend scientific thinking.
  • Using questioning to engage children and extend their thinking skills.
  • Using our school grounds, which includes a pond area, and rural geography to engage in exciting scientific learning including observing seasonal changes and exploring the local flora and fauna.
  • Developing children’s planning skills including ensuring that can use equipment safely and becoming more confident in drawing conclusions based on the evidence.
  • Encouraging children to reflect on their observations and ask questions that may lead to modifying their experiments and carrying out further tests.
  • Children working collaboratively as well independently to develop their scientific skills and research to discover answers.


At St Mary Bourne Primary, we want our children to be inspired to investigate and learn about established scientific facts and theories, keep up to date with current developments in science and recognise the importance and place of science in their world.    We aim to inspire a curiosity for learning where children are encouraged to strive for excellence and preparing them for life to become caring and active citizens in an ever-changing world. 

science overview 2023-24

science overview 2022-23

science overview 2021-22