St. Mary Bourne School

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Physical Education


If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.

Muhammad Ali

Our Intent 

We believe physical education is an essential contributor to the development of the whole child. Through a high-quality physical education programme, pupils will develop physical competence and confidence. Our physical education provision will contribute to the personal development, health and wellbeing, enjoyment, success and achievement of all pupils across the whole curriculum and beyond. We are proud of our success in local competitions and encourage our children to strive for excellence in their conduct as a competitor and respect for others.

Our implementation

  • Provide a broad balance of physical activities for all pupils, every week.
  • Cover a range of Gymnastics, Dance, Games and Athletics through dedicated lesson time.
  • Provide access to the swimming in KS2
  • Provide blocks of Outdoor Learning.
  • Teach all pupils to be concerned about their own and others safety in all activities, including the safe movement of equipment and resources.
  • Enhance the school curriculum with outside expertise.

We will do this by:

  • Teaching high quality PE lessons 
  • Planning for, and assessing all areas of PE.
  • Teaching PE as a separate subject and linking to the Keeping Healthy aspect of PSHE.
  • Supplementing the PE curriculum by providing learning opportunities in clubs run after school.
  • Employing highly skilled coaches to support class teachers.
  • Providing active playtimes and lunchtimes where children have a responsibility for equipment and organisation.
  • Establish links with local sports clubs and highlight holiday opportunities for keeping active.
  • Participate in local competitions in a wide range of sports at Key Stage 2 providing children with the opportunity of representing the school and taking part as a team.
  • Celebrating the out of school sporting achievements of our pupils

Our Impact

Physical Education at St Mary Bourne Primary provides pupils with the opportunities to be creative, competitive and face up to different challenges, as individuals and in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Pupils learn how to think in different ways and make decisions in response to competitive and challenging activities. They learn how to reflect on their performance to improve the quality of their work.  PE enables pupils to develop personally and socially. They work as individuals and teams, further developing the school values of teamwork, respect, enthusiasm and of excellence.



Whole School Progressive PE Road Map


PE Curriculum overview 2021