St. Mary Bourne School

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The only way to learn Mathematics is to do Mathematic.

Paul Halmos


Mathematics is essential for everyday life and understanding our world. It enables the development of pupils’ natural ability to think logically, to solve puzzles and real life problems.

We believe that all children benefit from deepening their conceptual understanding of mathematics. Children here are given the time to investigate and explore new mathematical concepts.

We aim for all pupils to:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
  • Be able to solve problems by applying their mathematics
  • Reason mathematically


Our maths teaching includes fluency, reasoning and problem-solving opportunities, as well as regular opportunities for challenge and deeper level questioning. A wide range of concrete resources are used across the school to aid understanding and children are encouraged to explain their thinking through pictorial representations, jottings and formal methods.

Whole class Maths Talk around reasoning and problem solving take place as part of our school week; recapping previously taught mathematical concepts, modelling reasoning and approaches to calculations.

Each class follows our bespoke planning based on the Hampshire model and the White Rose Scheme of learning units. It is also supplemented with rich problem solving tasks from NCETM and NRich, as well as a range of other sources.

All Key Stage 1 and 2 children are encouraged to use Doodle Maths at home, to fill gaps and consolidate Maths knowledge, learning through an individualised Maths programme.


By the end of KS2 we aim for children to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics with a conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. We also aim to build children’s confidence and enjoyment.

They should have the skills to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of situations. We aim to inspire a curiosity for Maths learning where children are encouraged to strive for excellence and show resilience.  

Hampshire Progression in Addition and Subtraction illustrating how each Key Stage approaches calculations.

Progression Booklet_Addition Subtraction_

Hampshire Progression in Multiplication and Division illustrating how each Key Stage approaches calculations.

Progression Booklet_Multiplication Division

Hampshire Progression in fractions, decimal, percentages, ratio and proportion.

Fractions, decimal, percentages, ratio and proportion