St. Mary Bourne School

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Forest School

Forest School is a holistic approach to a child’s learning and development. Children spend regular amounts of time outside experiencing all weathers and seasons in the ever-changing natural world. Learning is very hands on and child led, in a nurturing environment where the children set the pace. This helps the children to develop physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually and helps instil a lifelong inquisitiveness and love of learning. At  Forest School children are helped to be healthy, resilient, creative, independent and above all happy learners. They also develop a deep connecting with, and respect for, the natural world.

At St Mary Bourne Primary Forest School sessions link to our class topics. As part of their Viking topic -Raiders or traders- Sycamore and Hawthorn class sessions included  playing games and doing activities outdoors. The children played games such as ‘Jewel Thief’ and the team game ‘Giants, Wizards and Pixies’ as well as learning about some of the skills and vital kit the Vikings would have used. The children used a bow saw to cut a disc of wood and design their own mini shield and had a go at Nordic Slinging Braiding. They looked at signs of animals and tracking and had a go at throwing replica spears at targets. These activities are offered alongside the freedom to tree climb, swing on the tree swing, balance along the slackline and generally enjoy the fresh air and time socially outside.